vnp 加速

Mar. 8th, vnp怎么搞 07:26 am
lj_writes: Picture of Loan Tran laughing (Default)
This is the post where you can ask me questions and send me comments that are not about any particular post. Comments are screened, and anonymous comments are allowed.(1) If you are logged in my default response will be a reply comment, but if you're on anon and left no contact information I will have no way to get back to you except publicly.(2) (You can leave anonymous comments without logging out, just click on the "More Options" button and you'll see the option to comment anonymously.)

Public posting: If I think the question is one worth addressing in public (because it's fun fandom stuff, to head off repeat questions and so on), I will ask if you're okay with my making a post about your question, whether I may directly quote you, and if necessary coordinate with you on the level of details to reveal. If you want a question to be quoted and public, mark it as (Public) and we can cut down on that process. On the flip side, marking a question (Private) will prevent any uncertainty as well since I won't need to ask whether I can make a post.(3) If you're not sure/don't care at the time you're asking, don't mark it either way and we can work it out on a case-by-case basis.(4)

( see footnotes )